Children’s Nursery is available during the service from 10:00 am, while youth Sunday School begins at (9:00 am) and Junior Church departs from the morning worship service following worship in music (10:15 am).
A Teen Ministry led by the Bish family meets Sunday nights. Stay tuned for updates on our Facebook page.
Each year, Vacation Bible School ministers to our community’s youth.
Change is good – when it is controlled by biblical philosophy and principles. Although methodology can be quite traditional and may necessitate change, the absolutes of biblical mandates are timeless. The key to successful youth ministry is the ability to be contemporary and relevant while living by Biblical absolutes! TCGF believes in and promotes absolutes for young people. We believe this can be accomplished through six main elements of ministry.
Bible Study
Scripture tells us to be ready always to give an answer for the reason of our hope. Young people need to know the Bible, not just about it. We provide a complete Biblical curriculum including survey, topical study and an in-depth look at doctrine.
Quiet Time
The Psalmist said, “I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord.” Helping young people develop the godly habit of daily getting alone with God for quiet time and prayer is a priority. We provide a simple tool to guide youth through this special time with the Lord.
Scripture Memory
Hiding God’s Word in our heart is key to living victoriously for Him.
Christian Service
Being service minded and getting our eyes off self is a way to follow the example set before us in Scripture. In a world that glorifies self and selfishness, students who stand against it are counter-cultural and are making a difference.
Reading Christian Books
Filling our minds with the wisdom of other Godly men and women is a way to let iron sharpen iron. Reading is key and the change it brings in one’s life is essential.
Getting Involved
The most important organization on the planet is your church. Students need to get up and get involved.