2021 Church Directory

TCGF Directory

Welcome to the TCGF Church Directory Survey. Please take a few moments to complete this form, which will be used to create a church directory and update our Christian Service Forms in the church. We’re hoping that this inventory of information will help us serve the Lord with an accurate account of the gifts and resources available to our fellowship. Thank you! Following completion of the survey, you may schedule a time with Kali Berleth to have a family photo taken at the church.

2021 Church Directory

Missionaries We Support

Preach the Gospel to Every Creature

As a church, we’re devoted to obedience to the Lord, especially concerning the Great Commission, to preach the gospel to all nations and every creature.  (Mark 16:15)  In addition to our own calling to make disciples, we automatically take 25% of our unrestricted gifts in the operating budget and dedicate it to support of worldwide missions.  These are the missionaries we support (in no particular order):

  • Scott & Karen Markloff, North America Indigenous Ministries
  • Jordan & Bonnie Wertz, Word of Life International, Children’s Ministry
  • WPGM/WBGM – Radio Ministry
  • WGRC – Radio Ministry
  • Your Loving Choices, Inc. – Ruth Joy Capozzi, Executive Director
  • Our Daily Bread Ministries (formerly Radio Bible Class (RBC))
  • Ted & Karen Mole, InterAct Ministries – Missionaries Serving Alaska
  • Wycliffe Bible Translators USA
  • Ken & Cindy West, New Tribes Mission, Missionaries
  • John & Cindy Whyling, New Tribes Mission, Missionaries
  • Zack & Heather Gugenheim, Missionaries to Bucknell University
  • Mike & Lyn Chartowich, Missionaries to Bloomsburg University
  • Gideons International, Bible Distribution Ministry
  • Child Evangelism Fellowship of Eastern PA – Missy Hess

Links to Supported Missions




Your Loving Choices


John and Cindy Whylings

gideons international
Gideons International

Zack & Heather Gugenheim – Bucknell University

Melissa Hess
Melissa Hess

Mike & Lyn Chartowich – Bloomsburg University

WPGM – Radio Ministry

Activities Church News

Compliance with PA Clearances

In 2014, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania enacted 23 pieces of legislation, changing how Pennsylvania responds to child abuse. These changes significantly impact the reporting, investigation, assessment, prosecution and judicial handling of child abuse and neglect cases. This legislation will have a direct impact on the paid employees and volunteers of the Christian Gospel Fellowship, and will require that prospective employees and volunteers obtain criminal background checks and child abuse clearances. Further, this legislation also specifies that all volunteers and employees are now “mandatory reporters” of child abuse.
For more information about these clearances (including dates by which they are expected to be completed), a comprehensive review of these 23 recent laws, and to complete the online components of these checks, please visit

the Elders and Deacons of The Christian Gospel Fellowship ask that all current volunteers comply with the state clearances requirement by July 1, 2016.  All new volunteers are required to complete and submit these along with a completed Christian Service form by April 1st, 2015.

For direct links to clearances:

  1.  PA State Police Criminal Record Check (available online!)
  2. Child Abuse History Clearance (Department of Human Services; Online Child Abuse History Clearance online! )
  3. Waiver for TCGF (confirming 10 year residence) OR the FBI Criminal Background Check (if not a 10 year resident) (multi-step process, can be registered for here.)

Sports Ministries


Stay tuned for the winter kickoff of volleyball season!  Monday nights, 6pm.  Everyone is welcome to come for some great exercise and fellowship time.

Activities Church News Slider

Elders and Deacons Meeting

Monthly Deacons & Elders Meeting

April 19th, 2016 7:00pm (front of the sanctuary in the Pastor’s Office)

Contact Dave Morris, Elder Board Chair for more information.

Church News

“Change”-ing Lives One Bottle At A Time!

“Change”-ing Lives One Bottle at a Time with Your Loving Choices Baby Bottle Project.

Starting Sunday, January 17th, baby bottles will be available for you to fill! Just take a bottle, fill it with loose change and return it! You can help “change” someone’s life!

All proceeds go to benefit Your Loving Choices Pregnancy Resource Center, 904 Market Street, Bloomsburg, PA 17815 – 570-784-6124.