Welcome to TCGF!

Walking in, working for, witnessing about, and worshiping in Spirit and Truth the Lord Jesus Christ until he returns or calls us home.

Pastor Mark Boyer and his wife Heidi were led to TCGF in late 2023 after many years of service in youth ministry.

All Sunday School programs take place at 9:00 am.

Worship services are available in-person and online, at our regular time of 10:00 am. An unstaffed nursery, complete with a children’s bathroom and nursing/infant sleeping room is open. A speaker in the nursery provides audio access to the worship service.

What You’ll Find Here

If you’re looking for a perfect church, you’ve come to the wrong place. The truth is that we are a simple fellowship of broken, sinful people banking on the redemption of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

God has blessed us tremendously, and we love sharing the many stories and testimonies of His goodness to us. Fellowship in worship, prayer, music, giving, teaching, visiting the sick, and friendship and counseling are at the heart of our ministry.
We are a family-friendly church, offering Sunday School for children and adults, as well as Junior Church and nursery care during the service. There are Bible studies for ladies during the week, monthly men’s morning devotionals, Wednesday evening prayer services at-home Bible studies, and Sunday evening family worship.

We hope that when you join us, you’ll see a focus on God’s presence in the worship service and the desire for teaching and learning.

The stated and practiced purpose of The Christian Gospel Fellowship is its existence for the honor and glory of Christ through worship, prayer, and Christ-centered Fellowship, to lead each member to spiritual maturity under the guidance of the Holy Spirit through the teaching of the Word of God in its entirety.

While we worship primarily in the newer of our two buildings, we are uniquely privileged to have open prayer times in our old sanctuary during the week. Stop in and join us!